Jun 22, 2007 | Panama
View of farm in the Azuero. Church in Chitre Rush hour in the Azuero. The taxi to Isla Caña The hired car watchman in Laguira, the launch town for Isla Grande The view from Isla Grande Portobello locals Portobello The fort and customs house of Portobello. We spent the...
Jun 5, 2007 | Panama
We experienced some annoying set backs over these last couple of weeks because Brendan and I both suffered bouts of illness. So we have spent way too much time laying around and not nearly enough time exploring. However, by some miracle if you ask me, Brendan´s dad...
May 12, 2007 | Panama
We took a bus ride over the entire width of Panama from the Pacific to the Caribbean coast in a total of four hours! The ride was up and over lush, barely touched mountains. Isla Colon, the largest of the many islitas of Bocas Del Toro overwhelmed us with the amount...
Apr 30, 2007 | Panama
We’re very excited about the guesthouse posibilities here in Panama. From what we have seen so far the people are refreshingly freindly and open. We have talked to several expats living here and they say that they are comfortable in the community. That is...
Apr 26, 2007 | Panama
We’re writing from Panama, where we arrived yesterday after breezing through Costa Rica with a quick stop in Parque Corcovado for some jungle trekking. In La Palma, one of the launch towns for treks in Parque Corcovado, we met Thomas and Tau, two friendly Danes....