We decided to do something truly meaningful this Christmas and have donated the proper funds to send a child to school for the year. Talamanca is one of the poorest regions in Costa Rica and a mere 78 dollars prevents far too many children from going to public school. $78 is enough to buy all the books, notebooks, pencils, uniform and shoes that each child needs to have in order to attend primary school for one year. Supporting a child is made very simple by ATEC (Association of Ecotourism and Conservation) who is behind the project. This wonderful organization in Puerto Viejo continues to impress us with their dedication to community development and focus on education. Right now kids are on their equivalent to summer break and the new school year begins in February. There is still time to help another child get registered for the up-coming school year. We encourage any and all to participate. Just go to www.greencoast.com for more information!